Monday, January 17, 2011

Cosmic Mirror

Cosmic Mirror - The Ultimate Divine Life Guide - Guruji Satya Pranava Yogi

The “Cosmic Mirror” for A “Wonderful Life” The “One & Only Ultimate Life Guide” YOUR LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY

GOD (Divine worship and worshipping place) gives us Peace and GURU gives us Wisdom (we only have to understand & apply @ each moment of our life). Understanding, applying and continuing the highest truth is possible only by constant, continuous, integrated, eternal, self awareness!

The Computer must have a special equipment (voltage stabilizer) to protect from high voltages, must have special system (Antivirus software) to protect from viruses and specialist service engineer. Without these nothing can protect a costly computer, even if is placed in a divine full place.

The truth is with our own limited awareness only, we see things and people and act accordingly and this is materialistic ignorance or ego. Even in spiritual gatherings (Satsangams) we try to use them for our selfish personal development as if we are right, AND this is called spiritual ignorance or ego.

For example we use various professionals for our various development based on our limited knowledge but where is THE HOLISTIC LIFE SERVICE ENGINEER, DIVINE LIFE GUIDE (24X7 awareness).

Due to Maya ( illusion ) even, after knowing many things we are not allowed to realize our real knowledge/ fundamental nature/ life essence / life foundation / cosmic truth / soul principle.

See your SELF at the one and only "COSMIC MIRROR", now right now, Realize the ultimate divine gift of your Life Time and lead a wonderful life.

For regular divine programs, one to one bliss sessions, life transformation retreats etc contact us

To know more about Self (Atma), Life (Karma), God (Divine Energy),
Cosmic Mirror, Divine Love etc and to lead a wonderful Life
with suitable sadhanas (practices),
Please Click here!

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